Empowering meaningful work


We’re fostering a culture where people and passion are put first. Because we believe that the world will be better because of it.


The definition of work is changing. 

The gig economy is growing. People are discovering they can build businesses out of the hobbies they used to do in secret. And there’s no real handbook on how to handle it all. It’s not like we have all of the answers either, but when we read that nearly 1 in 5 remote workers struggle with loneliness and 50% of businesses fail within five years, we wanted to do something about it.

We believe that good ideas, success, and fulfilling work don’t just happen in big cities or when you’re alone - they happen when you gather. Sometimes it’s a random conversation that helps you connect the dots or that last connection that transforms a simple scribbled note into a thriving business. So we’re here to provide that space for our community.

Find the boost you need to help you focus, be productive, get connected and mentored, and do your best work at Space Crew.

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Mastermind Lunches

Join other members, learn something new, and meet someone interesting during our free catered lunches on the last Friday of each month. For members only.


Star Talks

Hear their experiences, learn from their mistakes, and pick the brains of local and industry leaders on the second Thursday of every month @ 6pm. Open to non-members via ticket.

Dog Day Fridays at The Space Crew

Dog Friendly

Bring your dog pal to work. Join our (unofficial) test to prove that working with dogs improves our mood and productivity. For members only.



My core values are grit, grow, and give:

GRIT — I’ve persevered through career and life changes and challenges to reach where I am today, often without the support and guidance of mentors and colleagues.

GROW — I’m a committed lifelong learner, constantly growing from my experiences and learning how to better serve the community

GIVE — I’m a strong believer of giving back to the community because everyone deserves a chance to become successful.

The name Space Crew reflects my belief that like space, there are endless opportunities to pursue, but sometimes we need a crew to help us figure out where and how we’re going to get there. We're a community first and coworking place second. I want people to find their callings, get inspired, and take practical steps to make it a reality. Because I believe that our community (and our world) will be better because of it.